We were nervous about our first night with Ginger. Beagles are known for their howling and since Ginger is being crate trained, we feared we'd be up all night listening to her whining. We took her out at about 10:45 to go "potty" and she peed and pooped, which we were very happy about!
We then moved her crate into the bedroom next to the bed and put her in the crate. Nick decided to sleep next to Ginger, we were told to be close so that when/if the puppy whimpers, we can put our hand inside the crate so she knows she isn't alone. This seemed to do the trick. While she did whine and attempt to howl for a few minutes, she just as quickly feel fast asleep.
She woke up at 2:30am and we took her right out to her spot and she peed! Yay, training treat and lots of praise! However, then Ginger thought it was time to play. Nick was able to hold her and put her into a sleepy mood again. Once she was back in her crate, we had to endure a few more minutes of whining, but again she went right to sleep.
She woke up again at 5:30 and we took her right outside. This time she only peed a little, and again thought it was playtime once we came back inside. After a few minutes of whimpering she went to sleep and slept until about 6:30.
We got up and took her out again, she did very little, but of course we still praised! Back to the crate for Ginger and bed for us. She whimpered a few more times throughout the next few hours, but by just putting his hand in her crate she quieted down and would go back to sleep. We all woke up at about 9am.
She is doing very well with peeing outside in her "spot." She loves the training treats! Today we started introducing her to her collar. She appears to have adapted pretty well to her new life as a Bertonazzi! After yesterday's 3 hour ride in a car, bath, and introduction into new surrundings, she has done very well. She seems more comfortable in the apartment. She is more confident in exploring the apartment.
This morning we tried to get her to eat breakfast, but she wasn't interested in her bowl. She would only eat from our hands, but after a few tries she started to eat out of her bowl! She absolutely loves her rope toy. We already had to take one toy away because she has started to pull it apart. She has very strong teeth.
We think she may be a cat trapped insie a dog's body because she loves to pounce!! She is very cute and sweet, and we are so happy that she is now a part of our family!